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Seed Cycling For Hormone Balance

Since a couple of years, I’ve been struggling with hormone imbalance. This often leads to horribly painful periods with days of crying in bed when the pain is just too much to handle. Besides the monthly pains, my body heats up tremendously when sleeping. Most of the time, and even in winter, I sleep with a fan on, as I will wake up feeling uncomfortably hot without one. I never had issues with sleeping before, so this new challenge came as a surprise.

We don’t have to suffer!

I’ve learned by now, that I don’t have to live with menstrual pain and restless sleep: it simply means that my hormones are out of balance. At the beginning of this year, I promised myself to make my hormonal balance a priority. I started learning more about hormones and what we can do to regulate them.

Non-menstruating women can benefit from hormone balance, too

Hormonal imbalance turns out to not only influence menstruating females, but also affects women in the peri-menopausal and post-menopausal phase. Improving the hormonal situation can therefore benefit every woman in any season of life.

Method: seed cycling

I came across seed cycling and have been using this method for a few months now. And I can honestly say that, even though it hasn’t been that long yet, it is already helping me hugely. My periods have become less painful, plus I don’t wake up feeling flushed with heat anymore in the middle of the night. With these first results, I feel positive it will only get better.

There is a lot to share about seed cycling. For those who want to know more, read this blog. I will share all I have come to know and how it may benefit you, too.

Seed cycling hormone balance

What is hormone imbalance? Hormone imbalance in the female body can have various effects and symptoms. Estrogen and progesterone, two key hormones, play vital roles in regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining overall health. Not only does it help women who menstruate, but it can benefit peri-menopausal, and post-menopausal women by supporting hormonal balance and reducing symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. When these hormones become imbalanced, several issues can arise.

Symptoms of hormone imbalance may include irregular or heavy periods, menstrual cramps, mood swings, fatigue, acne, hair loss, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, insomnia, low libido, hot flashes, and fertility problems. These symptoms can significantly impact a woman's quality of life and well-being.

Seed cycling offers a natural approach to balance hormones and alleviate these symptoms. By incorporating specific seeds into your diet during different phases of the menstrual cycle, seed cycling supports hormonal fluctuations and promotes balance.

The menstrual cycle In order to understand seed cycling, it is important to understand the two main phases of the menstrual cycle. The first phase, the follicular phase, begins the first day of the menstrual bleed until ovulation and typically lasts around 14 days. The second phase, the luteal phase, starts at ovulation until the next menstrual bleed. Luteal phase length can vary but this is also typically around 14 days.

When the hormone levels are balanced, estrogen rises during the first half of your cycle. During the second half of the cycle, progesterone levels rise while estrogen levels slowly decline. PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps, acne, brief luteal phases, an ovulation, irregular cycles, and amenorrhea can all be caused by an estrogen and progesterone imbalance.

Seed cycling menstrual phase

Seed cycling and menopause Seed cycling can also be used by peri-menopausal, post-menopausal, and non-menstruating women by starting on any day and following the same 2-week rotation plan. As estrogen and progesterone levels naturally decline after menopause, seed cycling can offer additional support to lessen symptoms brought on by decreasing hormone levels. Additionally, seed cycling has been advocated as a way to lessen the effects of hormone changes, particularly during perimenopause, by lowering hot flashes and mood swings, boosting energy, and enhancing sleep.

By beginning the 2-week cycle whenever they want, women who are experiencing amenorrhea (lack of periods) may also benefit from seed cycling.

What is seed cycling? Seed cycling is the practice of eating specific seeds during the two main phases of your menstrual cycle (follicular and luteal) to help promote the healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone levels.

Phase 1 During the follicular phase (days 0-14) of seed cycling, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds help improve our estrogen levels while preventing excess estrogen. Flax seeds contain lignans which bind to excess estrogen. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which helps support progesterone production as you move towards the progesterone rise in the second phase of your cycle.

Phase 2 Moving on to the luteal phase (days 15-28), sesame seeds and sunflower seeds help stimulate progesterone production. Sesame seeds are a rich source of zinc which also helps boost progesterone production. Besides, sesame seeds contain lignans that help block excess estrogen while progesterone rises. Sunflower seeds contain selenium and vitamin E: vitamin E can help boost progesterone production, while selenium helps detox the liver of excess estrogen.

Seed cycling helps stimulate the production of the appropriate hormones at the right times, promoting balance throughout the menstrual cycle. By supporting hormonal balance, seed cycling can alleviate symptoms associated with hormone imbalances, improve menstrual regularity, enhance mood stability, balanced and clear skin, boost energy levels, and support overall well-being.

It's important to note that while seed cycling can be a beneficial holistic approach, it may take time for noticeable effects.

Seed cycling and skin health The seeds used in seed cycling also benefit the skin. Here are some of the benefits:

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the skin from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E may also help with eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds contain zinc, which plays a crucial role in collagen production, a protein that helps keep the skin firm and elastic. Zinc also supports wound healing and helps regulate oil production, promoting clearer skin.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of antioxidants like vitamin E and beta-carotene, which can help protect the skin against damage from UV rays and environmental pollutants. They also contain essential fatty acids that help maintain skin barrier function and hydration.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. These fatty acids can help calm inflammation in the skin, reducing redness, irritation, and conditions like acne or eczema.

How to incorporate seed cycling into your diet? It is quite easy to start seed cycling. Basically, you just need to add 1-2 tablespoons of the seeds into your daily diet. You incorporate daily 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin and flax seeds during your follicular phase and daily 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower and sesame seeds during the luteal phase. A tasty and easy way to get to this daily intake, is to incorporate my ‘hormone bliss balls’ into your diet.

Phase 1. Days 1 –14 of your cycle (menstruation to ovulation) 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds

Phase 2. Days 15-28 of your cycle (or ovulation to menstruation) 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds

Simply add them to your smoothie or yoghurt, or sprinkle them on top of your salads, soups or toast. I like to add them to my cottage cheese with fruit and some cinnamon. But my favorite way to add them to my daily food plan is to add them in what I call ‘Hormone Bliss Balls’. You can find the full recipe here. Besides seeds, I boost them with incredible adaptogens that help regulate hormones. They are super delicious, and it is an easy-to-carry snack I look forward to every day.

Final words of recommendation & motivation

If you suffer from hormone imbalance and you want to do something about it, I can really recommend trying it out for a couple of months. It can take a while before you feel or see the difference, so don’t give up after 1 or 2 months. I suggest you really try to stick with it for at least 3 months. For me personally, it has already proven its effectiveness. I sleep much better, and my pain is much less than before. I hope in time, the pain will go away completely. If so, you will definitely notice me sharing about it on my Instagram!


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